Reiki I Course
Try Reiki: If you haven't had a Reiki Experience and are interested in having a Reiki session before learning, please take up my special introduction offer by experiencing a 60-minute Reiki session for $80.00 for an adult and $50.00 for a teen either in person (North Epping or Glenhaven) or online as a Distance Reiki session (via zoom)
Post Reiki Training Sessions: at predetermined dates come and enjoy a swap session with another trainee or myself to keep your practice going and enjoy the benefits. $25.00.

A little insight from a past student Reiki Level 1
"I had a lovely day of Reiki I training with Robyn.
She shines when she is teaching and I can see how much she loves sharing her knowledge and skills. She was very patient throughout the day answering all the questions as we went through the comprehensive manual she had prepared for us to keep.
We practised on each other and discussed the self-care techniques and at the end of the day received a certificate of completion. We have plans to get back together for follow-up and to share our progress.
I honestly didn’t know what to expect but can honestly say I am very happy with what we learnt and look forward to coming back together again for a progress check.
One week later and I can attest to feeling calmer, more centred. Most definitely less stressed. I have been sleeping better and having wonderful vivid dreams!
I most definitely believe I have benefitted from the Reiki Attunement process and will continue to practice using it." Michelle

Reiki is wonderful for our pets too!
"Hi Robyn, thanks for checking in. I was going to email you later as I decided to Reiki Felix (on the right) last night. He's completely neurotic and in all the time I've had him, never felt he was 100% happy. He tends to communicate by biting but as soon as the Reiki started, he sat calmly & stayed that way.
Thank you so much for this gift you have shared ❤️" Rebecca

Reiki is wonderful for our energy and positivity!
"This morning at 1.11 am my 18mth old pup woke me as scared of the wind storm and she would not settle, after about 45minutes of me sitting and talking with her and not working to calm her down - I thought let’s try Reiki and within 10 minutes of commencing she was calm, went to sleep during Reiki session and didn’t wake up until 7 am.
Myself, I felt great afterwards and great again today with lots of energy and positivity. Thank you and Soo immensely for making me feel so welcomed and loved." Kylie